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We present to you The Vegan Athlete Show – Part I!
We start this show with a review of the Peak Performance: Unleash the Athlete Within workshop that Alison took several weeks ago at the Raw Foundation, on the subject of raw vegan sports nutrition. Then we review the newly-released “Raw Food To Live For” DVD, also by Janice Skoreyko of Raw Foundation.
Exciting news! Two new veg restaurants have just opened in Vancouver – The Acorn, and Tera V Burger – and we chat about our recent experiences there this week.
Janice Skoreyko, Raw Vegan Sports Nutrition
Our feature interview is with Janice Skoreyko, who is the founder of the RAW Foundation Culinary Arts and Nutrition Institute, the raw food education experts, located in Vancouver, and Sweden. Janice is a well respected Natural Health Educator, author, sports nutritionist, raw food chef, coach and instructor. She is devoted to educating on the benefits of a plant-based diet, and is here today to speak with us on the ins and outs of raw vegan sports nutrition.
We learn about the breakdown of carb, fat and protein components of food and what we require for daily nutrition and sports performance. Plus, we learn what to eat pre-workout, during exercise, and post-workout for optimal athletic performance and recovery.
Check out this video of Janice demonstrating how to make an Energy Elixir, which is a great way to start your day!

Dr. Andrew Rowan, President, Humane Society University
There’s a new post-secondary school on the forefront of our attention. It’s called the Humane Society University, and, as you might guess from its name, its focus is to provide education on a core of animal-related issues in the higher learner realm like no other school has offered before.
We interview Dr. Andrew Rowan, who is the President of the newly formed private, non-profit institution of higher learning. HSU is based in the U.S. and founded by the Humane Society of the United States. The programs that this school offers focus on human-animal interactions. Dr. Rowan speaks with us about this university and the programs that it offers for those who wish to study disciplines in the post-secondary realm that that may prepare oneself for helping the animals.
With courses ranging with titles such as: Animal Protection as a Social Movement; Animals, Advocacy and Corporate Change; Farm Animal Welfare; Understanding the Human-Animal Bond; and Sociology of Animal Abuse, one can tell that this school is offering something so innovative that may be the key for many in taking their next steps towards effective social advocacy for the animals.