Tag: neal barnard

Veganuary Inspiration Featuring Interviews with Dr. Neal Barnard on Plant-Based Nutrition as Healing and Personal Trainer Karina Inkster on Plant-Powered Fitness

This show features interviews of Dr. Neal Barnard on the reasons why he is a plant-based advocate and Karina Inkster on weightlifting and fitness as a vegan personal trainer. We also introduce three new co-hosts, Meaghan Beattie, Grace Wampold, and Leah Thompson with their stories on how they started on veganism and why they choose to continue to live a vegan lifestyle.

The Cheese Show: Escaping The Cheese Trap with Dr. Neal Barnard, and Karen McAthy on The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking

We present to you The Cheese Show! Learn all about the impacts that the dairy (and cheese) industry has on our health and the welfare of animals with Dr. Neal Barnard, author of “The Cheese Trap”. Plus, local vegan chef and cheese maker Karen McAthy tells us about “The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking”.